Solar Corona Elliptical Model
In this paper the elliptical model of the corona electron density
distribution has been investigated with the solar data analysis
results. This model is most preferable for the study of solar
radio emission during minima of solar activity. To evaluate
the corona brightness at decameter radio wavelengths, a piecewise-
linear approximation of the beam path in inhomogeneous
layered medium was applied.
distribution has been investigated with the solar data analysis
results. This model is most preferable for the study of solar
radio emission during minima of solar activity. To evaluate
the corona brightness at decameter radio wavelengths, a piecewise-
linear approximation of the beam path in inhomogeneous
layered medium was applied.
Full Text:
Коваль А.О. Еліптична модель корони Сонця / А.О. Коваль, О.О. Станіславський // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2013. — Т. 18, № 1. — С. 3-11.

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