The Journal “Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy” (RPRA) is a peer-reviewed quarterly scientific journal of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. RPRA was established in 1995.

State Registration Certificate for printing mass media is КВ №1231, 02.02.1995;

 re-registration: КВ 25208-15148 ПР from 20.07.2022

   ISSN 2415-7007 (Online) 

   ISSN 1027-9636 (Print)

   Abbreviated key title: Radio phys. radio astron.




   Language of publishing: Ukrainian, English



  •    The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  •    Institute of Radio Astronomy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  •    O. Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Publisher: The NAS-Ukraine Academperiodyka Publishing House

The NAS-Ukraine Academperiodyka Publishing House replicates the RPRA within the NAS-Ukraine Journal Support Program.

RPRA publishes papers, brief information and letters to the editors relating to the modern problems of radio physics, radio astronomy and astrophysics, containing the results of fundamental and applied researches, description of research methods, hardware implementation and practical application, as well as current information such as comments, events, men of science.

The RPRA is included into the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine, approved by the Decree No. 582 of 24.04.2024 of the Ministry of  Education and Science of Ukraine, in which the results of Ph.D. and Doctoral theses (in physics and mathematics) are recommended to be published.

Current Issue

Volume 30, No.1 (2025)


Radio phys. radio astron. 2025, 30(1)