- Rubrics of the Journal
- Publication Frequency
- Section Policies
- Ethics of Scientific Publications
- Anti-plagiarism Policy
- Open Access Policy
- Peer Review Process
- Indexed/abstracted
Editorial Board, “Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy” Journal
Institute of Radio Astronomy, NAS–Ukraine, 4, Mystetstv St., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Phone: +380 (57) 700-3092
Fax: +380 (57) 706-1415
Oksana A. Roienko
Phone: +380 (57) 315-00-06; +380 (97) 602-01-02
Fax: +380 (57) 315-21-05
Editorial board
View the editorial board members list here
Rubrics of the Journal
- Radio astronomy and astrophysics
- Scattering and diffraction of waves
- Wave propagation and remote sensing
- Radio systems and signal processing
- Radio frequency engineering
- Waves in plasmas
- Electronics and photonics
- Radio spectroscopy
The Journal RPRA publishes papers, brief information and letters to the editors relating to the modern problems of radio physics, microwave electronics, radio astronomy and astrophysics, containing the results of fundamental and applied researches, description of research methods, hardware implementation and practical application, as well as current information such as comments, events, men of science.
Publication Frequency
RPRA is published quarterly
Section Policies
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Ethics of Scientific Publications
The RPRA Editorial Board obeys the ethics of international scientific publications, including the concepts of decency, confidentiality, supervision of publications and prevention of possible conflicts of interests, and so on. In its activities, the Editorial Board is guided by the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (, as well as by the powerful experience of reputable international publishers. Compliance with the rules of publications ethics of all parties of the publishing process helps to ensure the intellectual property rights of the authors, improvement of publication quality and prevention of possible misuse of copyrighted material for the benefit of individuals.
REGULATION ON THE ETHICS OF SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS is one of the main components of paper review and RPRA journal publishing.
Anti-plagiarism Policy
One of the strict ethical standards of scientific publications is the inadmissibility of many types of plagiarism from cloning to recycling (without attribution) and claiming the right to the results of other author’s inverstigations. Authors should ensure that they submit only entirely original works, manuscript material has never been published or submitted for publication by some other publishing house.
The plagiarism in all forms being an unethical action is inadmissible. The papers being compilation of the materials published earlier by some other authors without their creative remaking and the author’s understanding cannot be accepted by the Journal Editors for publication.
If plagiarism is detected, either by the editors, peer reviewers or editorial staff at any stage before publication of a manuscript, the authors will be asked to revise the text, and any use of fragments of other people's works, borrowing statements of other authors should be noted in the text of the paper and be accompanied by the link to the source. The level of uniqueness of the author’s text is determined using the free online plagiarism checker tools. If plagiarism exceeds the maximum permissible level of 25 % of the original, the article is returned to the author along with the verification protocol.
In case of the proven fact of plagiarism in manuscript being published, the authors are denied the right to publish all future issues of the Journal, and the text is taken from the archives of the official website of the Journal and other places of publications for which the Journal is responsible.
The RPRA Editorial Board takes responsibility to assist a scientific community in all aspects of publication ethics policy, particularly in case of multiple submission/publication and plagiarism.
Open Access Policy
The RPRA adheres to an open access policy to the published material. The RPRA Editorial Board recognizes the priority of the principles of free dissemination of scientific information, knowledge exchange and entirely excludes national, racial, religious, political or other types of restrictions on paper publication.
The Editorial Board supports the Science Europe association's "Plan S" initiative to publish research results in open access journals licensed by the CC BY.
According to the instructions of BOAI (Budapest Open Access Initiative), under "open access" to the peer-reviewed scientific literature we mean its free availability through the public internet and the right of each user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, make references to full-text articles, or use it for any other lawful purpose in the absence of financial, legal, or technical barriers, with the exception of those that regulate access to the Internet itself. The only constraint on reproduction and distribution and the only role for copyright in this regard should be the authors’ right to control the integrity of their work and be properly acknowledged and cited.
Peer Review Process
A manuscript submitted to the RPRA is necessarily subject to a single-blind scientific peer review by at least two leading experts in the relevant field. The Editorial Board appoints reviewers from among the well-known highly qualified scientists and specialists who have the profound professional knowledge and work experience in a specific scientific area. The reviewing of manuscripts is confidential.
The objective of a review is to promote rigorous selection of author manuscripts for publication and to make specific recommendations for their improvement.
The review procedure provides a comprehensive analysis of the submitted manuscript and is aimed at an objective assessment of its content and compliance with the journal requirements.
When assessing the manuscript and writing a review, the reviewers adhere to the following criteria:
- correspondence of the subject matter of the manuscript to the scientific areas (rubrics) of the journal;
- the relevance of the chosen research topic;
- scientific novelty of the presented results and their practical importance;
- the correspondence of the goals and objectives of the work to the factual material;
- advantages and disadvantages of the content and form of manuscript presentation;
- recommendations for finalizing the manuscript;
- the need to reduce the manuscript;
- the possibility (or impossibility) of publishing a peer-reviewed manuscript in the journal.
A reviewer’s decision is not final. Authors have a right to appeal against a reviewer’s decision. In this case the paper should be sent to the independent referee or to adjudicating member of the Editorial Board for assessment. A final decision on the appeal remains with the Editorial Board.
The Editor makes the decision on the paper, and informs the authors on the decision.
Once reviewer reports have been received, authors are given 2 weeks to revise the manuscript. The revised manuscript along with a point-by-point response to the reviewer reports and with the explanations on any changes made in the manuscript should be returned to the Editorial Office.
The author's version of the article, agreed with the reviewers, is approved by the Editorial Board and sent to the editorial office to prepare for publication. The author acquaints him(her) self with the remarks of the scientific and literary editors. After completing the draft layout, the author makes the necessary corrections, and this version of the article is considered to be final, after which the replacement of text, figures or tables becomes inadmissible.
The RPRA is included into the catalogue of subscription agency UKRINFORMNAUKA.
Since 2014 the scientific publications of RPRA are provided with Digital Object Identifier (DOI) by CrossRef Agency.
The RPRA journal has DOI: 10.15407/rpra.
The RPRA is indexed in the international scientometric databases:
- Scopus
- DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals),
- Google Scholar
- Ulrichsweb (Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory)
The RPRA is included into the rating list of the system BIBLIOMETRICS OF UKRAINIAN SCIENCE
The RPRA is represented in the national systems of abstracting:
- database of the National Vernadsky Library of Ukraine SCIENTIFIC PERIODICALS OF UKRAINE,
- scientific electronic library of periodicals of the NAS of Ukraine (NASPLIB).
Author Guidelines
The RPRA Editorial Board accepts papers specially written for the Journal that were not previously published. Working languages of the Journal are Ukrainian or English (at authors’ request).
The journal publishes papers free of charge.
The manuscript and all additional files must be submitted to editorial office in electronic form. The manuscript must be signed by all co-authors.
Authors should follow the rules below:
The contents of manuscripts sent to the editors should correspond to the Journal’s type and scientific and technical level. The presentation material should be clear and structured (Introduction, Original part, Results and discussions, Conclusions, References), with maximum clarity and clearness the essence of obtained results and their novelty should be shown, the author's evaluation of the preceding works reflected, the research purpose formulated. It is essential to avoid ungrounded introduction of new terms and slangy expressions.
The manuscript should be accompanied by the order signed by the head of institution where the work was done, information about the authors (last name, name and, academic degree and academic status, place of employment and position, mailing address and e-mail for correspondence, telephones).
Paper construction scheme
Authors initials and last names
Complete names and postal addresses of institutions represented by the authors, the authors e-mails.
Paper title
Paper text with the general scheme:
- introduction;
- methods and research results;
- discussion on results;
- conclusions;
- references;
- abstract (with the paper title, list of paper authors and institutions they represent) in English and Ukrainian;
- keywords in English and Ukrainian.
Note: In case of difficulties emerging while translating abstracts and keywords into Ukrainian, the editors will gladly help doing this if the English versions are available.
The volume of manuscript, as a rule, should not exceed 22 pages of A4 format, including tables and figures pictures. The volume of brief messages and letters to the editors – 3 pages. The letters to the editors are accompanied by the reasoning of urgency of publication. The contents and volume of review publications should be agreed by the authors with the editorial board, therefore for preliminary consideration the abstracts and structural plan of paper are required.
The manuscript should be typed in the text editor of Microsoft Word 2003/2007/2010. Font Times New Roman 12; line spacing 1.5. All formulas and symbols must be executed in Microsoft Equation or Mathtype (main font Times New Roman,11 pt). All page margins –20 mm. A paragraph is an indent by1.25 cm. Word hyphenation is not allowed.
Abstract with the title of work, list of authors (last names and initials), and institutions they represent (names and postal addresses), as well as keywords (5–8 words) are given in English and Ukrainian (the contents must be identical). An abstract must be informative (without using general words and phrases), reflect paper main contents and research results, correspond structurally to the logic of statement of paper contents, and necessarily include the followings parts with headings: Purpose, Design/methodology/approach, Findings, and Conclusions. Superfluous parenthetic phrases (e. g. “the author of the paper considers”) should be avoided. The abstract volume must make 1800–2000 characters (250–300 words).
Figures are given in one of the following image formats: PCX, TIF, JPG (uncompressed varieties), CDR. When preparing bitmapped images, the resolution of no less than 300 points per inch should be used. The alphanumeric symbols at the figure chosen size must correspond to the size and style of formulas set in Microsoft Equation or Mathtype (body type being Times New Roman,11 pt). Arrangement of figures must account for their placing within one or two columns. But for all that, the figure width must never exceed7.5 cm, whereas the width of large and saturated images –15 cm. Maximum size of a figure is 15×18 cm. Images and tone figures must be clear and contrast.
In the formulas, the Cyrillic and Greek characters must be typed by the roman type, Latin letters – italic type. An exception is made for the characters of operators, for example, d – differential, and for the standard functions, for example, cos, arctg, ln, lg etc., being typed by the roman type, also differ in length a hyphen (-), “minus” sign, and dash (–). Numbered should be only those formulas which are further mentioned in the text, the formula number be put at the right edge of page.
The bibliographic list should correspond to the sequence of references on their position in the text and contain titles (including these of journal papers) of printed material accessible to the readers (citations to unpublished works, preprints and publications in hard-to-reach sources are not permitted). References to the literature should be given as serial numbers in square brackets.
For making references, the RPRA editorial board suggests using one of the recommended SCOPUS DB standards – the Harvard-British Standard.
The most exact identification of papers from electronic journals can be obtained on indicating the unique identifier used practically by all leading foreign journals for identification of their papers (Digital Object Identifier – DOI). The DOI system is an international ISO standard (URL: That is why if the paper has a DOI identifier it should be mentioned in references. Then, even in case of inexact bibliographic description, the paper reference will be unambiguously correctly taken into account.
Sample Harvard-British Style Reference List
1. POTAPOV, A. A., 2002. Fractals in radiophysics and radar. Moscow, Russia: Logos Publ. (in Russian).
2. AKIMOV, P. S., BAKUT, P. A. (ed.), BOGDANOVICH, V. A., BRIKKER, A. M. and VALEEV, V. G., 1984. The theory of signal detection. Moscow, Russia: Radio i Svyaz’ Publ. (in Russian).
3. KULESHOV, Y. M., 1986. Chapter 8. Measurements in sub-mm wavelength band. In: A. Y. USIKOV, ed. Electronics and Radio Physics of Millimeter and Sub-millimeter Waves.Kyiv,Ukraine: Naukova Dumka Publ., pp. 140–157. (in Russian).
4. KISLYAKOV, A. G., 1970. The radioastronomical investigations in millimeter and sub-millimeter wave range. Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk [Physics-Uspekhi]. vol. 101, no. 4, pp. 607–653. (in Russian).
5. KARMAKAR, N. C., 2002. Investigations into a Cavity-Backed Circular-Patch Antenna. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. vol. 50, no. 12, pp. 1706–1715. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2002.807427
6. LAPSHIN, V. I., 1974. Polarization devices of sub-millimeter wave range. In: N. G. Basov, ed. Trudy FIAN SSSR. no. 77.Moscow,Russia: Nauka Publ., pp. 117–127. (in Russian).
7. LEWIS, L. R., FASSET, M. and HUNT, Y. A., 1974. Broadband stripline array element. In: IEEE Antennas and Propagation International Symposium Proceedings. Atlanta, Georgia Institute of Technology, June 10-12, 1974. pp. 335–337.
8. SULEIMANOVA, S. A., 2004. Polarization of pulsar radio emission at meter wavelengths. PhD. thesis ed.Moscow: Institute of Radio-Engineering and Electronics of RAS. (in Russian).
9. KATSENELENBAUM, B. Z., 1961. Transmission line consisting of a system of reflectors.USSR Authors’ Certificate no. 146.362. (in Russian).
10. TESLA, N., 1914. Apparatus for transmitting electrical energy. US Patent No. 1119732.
11. THE INSTITUTEOF RADIOASTRONOMYOF THE NATIONALACADEMYOF SCIENCES OF UKRAINE, 2017. History [online]. [viewed 25.12.2017]. Available from:
12. KONOVALENKO, A. A., 2017. I. S. Shklovsky and low-frequency radio astronomy. Radio Phys. Radio Astron. [online]. vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 7–30. (in Russian). [viewed: 25.12.2017]. Available from:
13. KONOVALENKO, A. A., 2017. I. S. Shklovsky and low-frequency radio astronomy. Radio Phys. Radio Astron. vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 7–30. (in Russian). DOI:
The read proof copy should be signed and dated by the authors and sent back to the editorial board within nearest three days.
The editorial board reserves the right to reject the paper with unsatisfactory quality of material presented.
Copyright Notice
Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:
- Authors reserve the right of attribution for the submitted manuscript, while transferring to the Journal the right to publish the paper under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). This license allows free distribution of the published work under the condition of proper attribution of the original authors and the initial publication source (i.e. the Journal)
- Authors have the right to enter into separate agreements for additional non-exclusive distribution of the work in the form it was published in the Journal (such as publishing the paper on the institutional website or as a part of a monograph), provided the original publication in this Journal is properly referenced
- The Journal allows and encourages online publication of the manuscripts (such as on personal web pages), even when such a manuscript is still under editorial consideration, since it allows for a productive scientific discussion and better citation dynamics (see The Effect of Open Access).
The authors of the papers published before December 2018 granted the RPRA the right of the first publication and retain the copyright as the owners of the manuscript.
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The names and e-mails, specified by the user of the site will be used only for internal technical problems of this magazine; they will not be distributed and shared with third parties.