TM-waves Radiation from the Azimutal Slot in the Sphere-Conical Resonator

D. B. Kuryliak, O. B. Trishchuk


The problem of radiation of axial symmetric TM waves by sphereconical resonator with ring slot in the lateral surface is solved.
The resonator is formed of a semi perfectly conducting cone
with a slot, in which one of the sectors is closed by a perfectly
conducting spherical wall. The method of partial regions and
the method of analytical regularization are applied to solve the
problem. The problem is reduced to an infinite system of linear
algebraic equations of second kind, allowing the solution to a
given accuracy. The laws of the resonance modes radiation through the slot of the sphere-conical resonator are determined depending on the geometrical parameters of the cavity and slot, as well as the features of pattern formation clarified.

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Куриляк Д.Б. Излучение ТМ-волн из азимутальной щели сфероконического резонатора / Д.Б. Куриляк, О.Б. Трищук // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. - 2013. - Т. 18, №1. - С. 87-95

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