In this review, the observational data of kiloparsec jets of extragalactic sources are discussed. It is shown that both comparative morphology and spectra of increased brightness regions (knots) at the radio and X-ray wavebands allow to judge about the emission processes and to define the prime physical parameters of the knots. For instance, the best investigated 3C 273 quasar jet. Its intensity distribution indicates a moderately relativistic speed. At its knots concentration of relativistic electrons, magnetic field magnitude and absence of energy equipartition between them are defined. A number of conclusions about particle and emission energy spectra have been made. The competition of X-ray emission mechanisms enabled to determine the jet angle (about 30°) to the line of sight.
Key words: radio- and X-ray emission, kiloparsec jet, Compton back-scattering
Manuscript submitted 12.02.2014
Radio phys. radio astron. 2014, 19(2): 126-141
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