The data processing of the Ionosphere Alfven Resonance (IAR) signals synchronously received in Antarctica (Ukrainian Antarctic Station) and in Russia near Irkutsk has been made. The IAR parameters are calculated for several years, their diurnal and seasonal characteristics and the cases of registration of resonances in the frequency band higher than 10 Hz analyzed. The data are mapped with the ionosphere sounding results. The relation between IAR parameters and characteristics of the near-Earth plasma above the stations of observation is confirmed. The technique of the F2 layer critical frequency evaluation by the value of the average frequency spacing between neighboring modes of the Alfven resonance is developed within a simple phenomenological model of IAR. The technique is verified by the data of both stations and allows evaluating critical frequencies above any point on the Earth surface, where monitoring of IAR is performed.
Key words: ionospheric Alfven resonator, critical frequencyManuscript submitted 26.03.2014
Radio phys. radio astron. 2014, 19(2): 151-159
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