Revealing the physical phenomena causing various resonant phenomena is a key to successful design of frequency selective structures. Within the frames of the spectral theory of open waveguide resonators, the nature of the total reflection resonance formed by a rectangular waveguide section with a rectangular post inside is studied. The waveguide section is considered as a single-channel multimode resonator. An interpretation of the total reflection resonance is suggested as a result of excitation of natural oscillations in the resonator. Transformation phenomenon for the resonant mode explaining the resonant reflection of the incident wave by symmetric structures is revealed. It is established that the resonant frequency and quality-factor are estimated precisely by the complex frequency of a single natural oscillation. It is shown that quantitative estimations for the reflection resonance obtained within the spectral theory of open waveguide resonators are in order of magnitude more precise than those obtained within the classical approach. The results obtained make synthesis of bandstop filters, possessing complicated frequency behavior, to be more efficient.
Key words: resonance of reflection, rectangular waveguide, natural vibration
Manuscript submitted 06.05.2014
Radio phys. radio astron. 2014, 19(3): 258-266
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