PACS number: 95.10.Gi
The ionograms from eleven European ionosondes (Kharkiv, Moscow, Pruhonice, San Vito, et al.) have been analyzed. These ionograms were obtained during the eclipse of March 20, 2015 and the reference days. This eclipse took place against the background of the recovery phase of a very strong magnetic storm which was started on March 17, 2015. The solar eclipse effects are largely masked by the ionospheric storm effects. During the eclipse, the critical frequency foF2 had decreased by 1-2 MHz (15- 25 %), whereas decrease in electron concentration made 23-51 %. Increase in the F2-layer altitude made 10-70 km (3-20 %).
Key words: solar eclipse, ionosondes, critical frequency, virtual altitude variations, aperiodic disturbances, quasiperiodic disturbances
Manuscript submitted 26.10.2015
Radio phys. radio astron. 2015, 20(4): 311-331
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