PACS numbers: 41.20.Jb,
84.40.Ba, 81.05.Xj
Purpose: Numerical experiments are made to design miniaturized microwave rectangular patch antennas with metamaterial substrates.
Design/methodology/approach: The simulations for patch antennas with two different kinds of metamaterial substrates are made by the use of electromagnetic simulator PLANC FDTD.
Findings: The designs for antennas with the above metamaterial substrates are obtained for the gigahertz frequencies. The comparative analysis of parameters of the metamaterial antennas and those of the patch antenna with the dielectric substrate parameters of the same relative permittivity value is made.
Conclusions: The proposed metamaterial substrates enable not only to minimize the antenna profile but to improve such parameters as the power gain and the efficiency as well.
Key words: patch antennas, metamaterials, effective parameters, antenna substrates, antenna miniaturization
Manuscript submitted 16.02.2016
Radio phys. radio astron. 2016, 21(2): 141-147
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