PACS numbers: 42.25.Lc, 42.25.Bs, 42.70.Mp, 77.84.-s
Purpose: The possibility of creating a broadband polarization rotator for the long-wave terahertz range is studied.
Design/methodology/approach: To achieve the purpose set the results of the work done have been used where tunable and broadband differential phase sections consisting of several birefringent elements were considered using the method of polarization scattering matrix.
Findings: It is shown that the use of the broadband differential phase sections can significantly extend the operating frequency range of the polarization rotator.
Conclusions: The experimental study confirmed the possibility of creating a broadband polarization rotator. Artificial dielectrics which have a so-called form birefringence property were applied as the birefringent elements.
Key words: quasioptics, terahertz range, polarization rotator, differential phase section, birefringence
Manuscript submitted 20.02.2017Radio phys. radio astron. 2017, 22(1): 78-85
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