PACS numbers: 41.20.Jb,
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to propagate the methodology earlier developed by the authors for calculating microstrip antennas for the case of a two-layer antenna array of rectangular radiators, to study its electrodynamics characteristics with expanding its bandwidth.
Design/methodology/approach: The research method is based on application of the spectral method in approximation of the given surface current density distribution on the array radiators, when the current density distribution is given by some function wich fairly well discribes the true current distribution and is convenient for further analysis. The essence of the spectral method lies in representation of the Green’s function, the radiation field, and the current density as expansions in the Fourier integral. Such a representation is convenient in analyzing the radiation characteristics of antennas. The investigations were carried out with taking into account the presence of surface waves in the dielectric layers, the mutual influence of the radiators and matching them with the power lines.
Findings: Using the developed technique a two-layer microstrip antenna with a grating of four rectangular radiators located on each layer is studied. An algorithm for calculating its characteristics is constructed and its such characteristics as the directivity pattern and the gain factor are investigated. A constructive synthesis of its elements is made that resulted in determination of the dimensions of the radiators of the grating at which they are matching with the power lines. The influence of the layer thickness between the gratings on antenna characteristics is considered. It is shown that using the two-layer structures gives the opportunity to expand the antenna bandwidth, which is of great practical importance.
Conclusions: The research methodology makes it possible to investigate the electrodynamics characteristics and to make a constructive synthesis of two-layer microstrip antenna arrays from rectangular radiators having some specified improved parameters, in particular, an extended bandwidth.
Key words: radiation, two-layer microstrip antenna, spectral method, surface current density, bandwidth
Manuscript submitted 03.07.2018Radio phys. radio astron. 2018, 23(3): 203-211
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