Purpose: Acoustic and atmospheric gravity waves (AAGW) are generated by many natural and anthropogenic sources. The AAGW propagation at ionospheric heights is accompanied by the generation of disturbances in the magnetic and electric fields. The plasma presence plays a crucial role. The mechanisms for generating electrical and magnetic disturbances in the near-Earth atmosphere by the AAGW have been studied much worse. Therefore, the validation of the capability to generate electromagnetic disturbances in the near-Earth atmosphere by the AAGW is an urgent problem. The purpose of this paper is to describe the mechanism for generating disturbances in the electric and magnetic fields in the near-Earth atmosphere under the action of AAGW and to estimate the amplitudes of these disturbances for various AAGW sources.
Design/methodology/approach: The impact of a series of highenergy
sources often results in the generation of synchronous disturbances in the acoustic and geoelectric (atmospheric) fields, when an approximate proportionality between the pressure amplitude and the amplitude of the disturbances in the atmospheric electric field is observed to occur. Based on the observational data and making use of the Maxwell equations, the theoretical estimates of the disturbances in the electric and magnetic
fields have been obtained.
Findings: Simplified expressions have been obtained for estimating the amplitudes of the electric and magnetic fields under the action of the AAGW generated by natural and manmade sources. The amplitudes of the electric and magnetic fields generated by the AAGW of natural and manmade origin, which travel in the near-Earth atmosphere, have been calculated. The amplitudes of the AAGW generated electric and magnetic fields are shown to be large enough to be detected with the existing electrometers and fluxmeter magnetometers. The magnitudes of the amplitudes of the electric and magnetic fields generated in the near-Earth atmosphere under the action of AAGW are large enough to trigger coupling between the subsystems in the Earth–atmosphere–ionosphere–magnetosphere system.
Conclusions: The estimates and not numerous observations are in good agreement.
Key words: acoustic and atmospheric gravity waves, near-Earth atmosphere, volume charge, atmospheric pressure disturbances, electric field, magnetic field
Manuscript submitted 12.09.2020
Radio phys. radio astron. 2020, 25(4): 290-307
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