Purpose: The main most pronounced events, which occurred in the initial period of the pulsars’ study at the decameter wavelength range, are presented. The example of the main scientific problems, which were formulated at the very beginning of pulsar research, shows how the emphasis and priorities of these studies have been changing over time, which tasks have finally been solved, and which are still waiting to be solved. It is shown how the ongoing modernization of the UTR-2 radio telescope have allowed to acquire new qualities in astrophysical research being made with this radio telescope and to identify new scientific directions. The example of the cited references shows how the pulsar research efforts in Ukraine have been developed and how they were integrated into the world astrophysical research of these unique objects.
The purpose of this work is to show the relationship between the past and the present on the example of pulsars for longer than a semi-centennial period and to show how the scientific problems that were formulated in the past, and which could not be solved under the then-existing technical conditions, were solved by the subsequent generations of researchers.
Design/methodology/approach: The methods of comparison and historical parallels show how the low-frequency studies of pulsars have been developed and evolved almost from their discovery until now.
Findings: It is shown how quantitative transformations and technical development, as well as non-standard scientific approaches, unhackneyed thought and international cooperation allow to solve complex radio astronomical problems related to the low-frequency studies of pulsars.
Conclusions: The paper provides a historical overview of more than half a century-long radio astronomical studies of pulsars, having been and still being made at the decameter band using the UTR-2 radio telescope. The “old” and current priorities in pulsar research are given, and it is shown how qualitatively the technical parameters of back end facility and computer performance have been changed in studying the coherent pulsar radio emission nature.
Key words: aberration; frequency band; pulse; interpulse; dispersion measure; rotation measure; plasma; pulsar; radio telescope
Manuscript submitted 17.05.2021
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