Subject and Purpose. Сonsidered are the natural modes and their correspondent eigenfrequencies of a composite structure which is nonuniform along one of the coordinates and consists of a lossy ferromagnetic layer placed in a static magnetic field. The layer involves a perfectly conducting strip grating at one of its boundaries and a graphene monolayer at the other.
Methods and Methodology. The above stated problem can be approached within the analytical regularization procedure developed for dual series equations. The latter concern a broad class of diffraction problems which include, in particular, the diffraction of monochromatic plane waves on strip gratings placed at the boundary of a gyromagnetic medium. The amplitudes of the electromagnetic eigenmodes can be obtained from the infinite set of homogeneous linear algebraic equations solvable within a truncation technique. The roots of the system’s determinant represent complex-valued eigenfrequencies of the system under investigation. The material parameters adopted in our computations for the ferromagnetic layer correspond to such of yttrium iron garnet.
Results. A number of numerical programs have been developed which permit analyzing the dependences of wave field eigenfunctions and complex eigenfrequencies upon geometrical parameters of the structure (such as grating slot width and period, and thickness of the lossy layer), as well as on electrodynamic parameters of the ferromagnet and graphene characteristics, specifically the chemical potential and relaxation energy of electrons. A number of behavioral regularities have been established, as well as the effect of non-uniformity of ferrite layer parameters upon the structure’s eigenfrequencies and wave field eigenfunctions.
Conclusions. The structure under study has been shown to be is an open oscillatory system with a set of complex-valued natural frequencies demonstrating finite points of accumulation. The real parts of these eigenfrequencies lie in a certain interval determined by characteristic frequencies of the ferrite layer, while the imaginary parts are negative, such that the correspondent natural modes show an exponential decay with time. The grating edges represent the mirrors which the natural surface oscillations are reflected from, being supported at that by the ferromagnetic medium. The results obtained in this paper can be useful for creating the elemental base for microwave devices and the devices themselves.
Keywords: ferrite layer; grapheme; stripe grating; analytical regularization procedure; natural oscillations; eigenfrequencies
Manuscript submitted 24.02.2024
Radio phys. radio astron. 2024, 29(2): 113-126
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