This paper is an attempt of paying tribute to the memory of Leonid Mykolayovych Lytvynenko (LML), an outstanding Ukrainian scientist, Full Member of the National Academy of Sciences who worked most fruitfully in the fields of radio science and radio astronomy. Starting of 1985, Dr. Lytvynenko was, over a 30-plus years period, at the head of the Institute of Radio Astronomy, Acad. Sci. of the Ukrainian SSR (currently the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) that had been established owing to his vigorous and direct participation in the process. In 1996 LML promoted foundation of a new scientific journal, namely the "Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy", which he devotedly served for, in the Editor-in-Chief capacity, during the 25 years that followed. Dr. L. Lytvynenko was one of the brightest representatives of the school of theoretical radio physics that had developed within the O. Usikov Institute for Radio Physics and Electronics in Kharkiv and further flourished within the Institute of Radio Astronomy. He is known as the founder of a new branch of radio science, specifically theory of electromagnetic wave diffraction and propagation through composite and multilayered periodic structures.
Keywords: Leonid M. Lytvynenko (a.k.a. Leonid N. Litvinenko); National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; radio physics; radio astronomy; astrophysics; electromagnetic waves; diffraction and wave propagation theory; " successive refinements" technique
Manuscript submitted 22.10.2023
Radio phys. radio astron. 2024, 29(2): 137-169
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