Subject and Purpose. This paper presents numerical simulation results on the transmission spectra of a split-ring resonator (SRR) loaded with a thin film of yttrium iron garnet (YIG). The application of a magnetic core in the SRR is proposed for increasing the photon-magnon (P-M) coupling strength. The anticrossing effect in the frequency dispersion behavior of the SRR modes and YIG film ferromagnetic resonance modes, namely SRR-YIG coupled modes, is identified. The dimensional parameters of the SRR with a magnetic core are calculated, taking care to preserve the design compactness and striving to obtain a maximum possible spin-number-normalized coupling strength for such a system. The work has been aimed at evaluating the efficiency of applying the magnetic core as a part of the planar microwave resonator to enhance the P-M coupling strength.
Methods and Methodology. The transmission coefficient |S21| spectra of electromagnetic waves propagating through the planar resonator with the YIG film under the ferromagnetic resonance condition are numerically studied using the CST Studio Suite package in the frequency domain. The spatial distribution function of the magnetic field strength is calculated for the two scenarios of YIG film location: near the magnetic core (between the SRR and the feeding stripline) and inside the magnetic core (in the SRR center). Also, for each of these two scenarios, the transmission coefficient |S21| spectra of the wave propagation through the feeding stripline in the region of SRR-YIG coupled modes are simulated with and without the magnetic core. The dispersion curves of the SRR-YIG coupled modes are obtained in analytical terms.
Results. It has been shown that the magnetic core application increases the P-M coupling strength 2.0 times in the scenario of YIG film location near the magnetic core (between the SRR and the feeding stripline). When the YIG film is inside the magnetic core (in the SRR center), the P-M coupling strength rises 2.3 times compared to similar cases without the magnetic core.
Conclusions. The suggested magnetic core application can be used to increase the P-M coupling strength in the SRR — magnetic film resonant system, striving to develop effective microwave-to-optical converters and create efficient information exchange between quantum computers.
Keywords: photon-magnon coupling, planar resonator, ferromagnetic resonance, transmission spectra, magnetic core
Manuscript submitted 03.11.2023
Radio phys. radio astron. 2024, 29(3): 222-228
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