Subject and Purpose. The paper presents results of numerical simulation of a composition patch antenna with a complex form factor. The design combines two structures, specifically, a disc and an annular resonator. The annular resonator is fed via a coplanar structure that involves cut-ins of different geometries. The feed connections are effectuated pointwise, such as to provide for galvanic contact
between the central conductor of the coplanar line and the annular resonator, owing to the distributed electromagnetic coupling of the annular resonator and the aperture of the coplanar line’s outer conductor. The work has been aimed at finding an optimized set of antenna parameters.
Methods and Methodology. The antenna design features a combination of two resonators and an open circuit represented by the external conductor of the coplanar line. A variety of form factors were proposed for the circuit breaking slit, including such of a straight line and of a triangle. The angular parameter of the triangular slit was a variable value. Numerical simulations were carried out within a semi-open resonator model, with proper account of all the boundary conditions as specified in the finite-element method. The form of the amplitude-frequency response was optimized according to the required values of the return loss level.
Results. The frequency and power characteristics of a composition patch antenna have been analyzed and optimized over a broad frequency range. The optimal values of the main parameters of the structure, affecting the functionality of the antenna have been determined, including form factors of the slits (cut-ins), angular characteristics of the triangle-shaped slit, the dielectric constant of the substrate, and the separation from the ground level.
Conclusions. The frequency, spectral and power characteristics of a complex patch antenna based on a combination of annular and disc resonators, sitting above a grounding base, have been investigated over a wide frequency range. Numerical simulation was performed within a methodology combining the finite-element methods and the approaches pertinent to semi-open resonators. Principal dependences of the antenna’s electrodynamic parameters upon the geometry and characteristic dimensions of the structure and material constants thereof have been identified and studied.
Keywords: annular resonator, disc resonator, opening, coplanar line, matching, frequency characteristics, power characteristics
Manuscript submitted 14.08.2024
Radio phys. radio astron. 2024, 29(4): 308-316
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