Subject and Purpose. The generation of millimeter-wave oscillations by a planar GaAs diode with active side boundary (ASB) is considered. The diode structure is placed on a semiconductor semi-insulating substrate and represents a GaAs channel approximately 1μm long. Its lateral surface carries a semiconductor element based on a graded-gap GaInAs layer electrically connected to the anode. The work seeks to assess the oscillation efficiency and the maximum output power of the diode oscillator loaded with a single-circuit resonator, determine the oscillation frequency cut-off, and estimate how the energy and frequency characteristics of the diode are influenced by the impact ionization and GaInAs spatial distribution in the graded-gap layer.
Methods and Methodology. The carrier transport processes in the diode are simulated using a two-dimensional model, the particle ensemble Monte Carlo method, and the full geometric multigrid method to determine the electric fi eld distribution in the diode.
Results. The characteristics of direct-current diodes have been obtained, along with frequency dependences of the oscillation efficiency and output power of based on them oscillators in a range of ASB parameters. The effect that the impact ionization and the GaInAs spatial distribution in the graded-gap layer exert on the maximum power of the alternating current at frequencies above 180 GHz has been analyzed. A possibility has been shown to generate alternating electric currents at frequencies up to 300 GHz, with the efficiency of the oscillators upon the examined ASB-diodes being two to three times higher than the efficiency of oscillators upon conventional GaAs-based planar diodes.
Conclusions. It has been confirmed that ASB-diodes hold much promise for the alternating current generation at frequencies up to 300 GHz. The ASB application increases the output power of the device and extends the frequency range compared to the ordinary planar diode. Th e impact ionization in the graded-gap layer improves the diode characteristics but is not the decisive factor. The efficiency and the output power of the diode oscillator are most exerted by the ASB position relative to the diode electrodes. Diodes with the ASB located closer the cathode provide a larger oscillation power. The ASB position closer to the anode yields higher frequencies.
Keywords: millimeter wave, active side boundary (ASB), graded layer, impact ionization, mole fraction, oscillation efficiency, output power, intervalley transfer of electrons
Manuscript submitted 03.08.2023
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