DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/rpra30.01.051

M. F. Karushkin, V. P. Rukyn


Subject and Purpose. The terahertz (THz) wave range possesses many specific properties that make it attractive for fundamental and applied research in astrophysics, radar, security system development, plasma property investigation, gas spectroscopy, biology, and medicine. Due to its low quantum energy, THz radiation is safe for living organisms and can be used to detect pathologies and foreign bodies. The THz range encompasses lines of rotational transitions of molecules, including organic ones, which opens up fresh opportunities for their study and selective manipulation. Broadband coherent pulses of THz radiation are employed to determine the characteristic spectral features of various molecules, forming the basis of new methods for detecting and identifying hazardous chemicals and quality assessment of food and agricultural products.

Methods and Methodology. The specifications for receiving devices and sensitive components used in the radiation detection and measurement are outlined, including details on constructing matrix-type receiving devices for radio vision systems. The authors also review the results of their research related to the development of radiation sources. Additionally, the current advancements in THz-band technology are reported. This work aims to identify specific applications of THz radiation across various fields, including biological research and medicine.

Results. Advancements in THz radiation technology are largely influenced by the advent of simple and cheap semiconductor sources and receivers in the range. The authors solved the problem of creating highly stable and coherent sources for THz radiation using high-multiplicity radio pulse frequency conversion on silicon avalanche structures. The high efficiency of frequency multiplication from such devices is mainly determined by the amplification mechanism in the current pulse through the diode structure and the phase synchronization of microwave oscillations by periodic-sequence harmonics of current pulses. To reduce the radiation source loss, the oscillatory system that contains a semiconductor active component employs open-type radial lines.

Conclusions. The paper shows that the further development of THz technology primarily depends on the current capabilities of radiation sources and receivers with improved characteristics. In particular, the developed generators and frequency multipliers based on avalanche diodes operate in the frequency range 100 to 350 GHz with a power output of 10 to 30 W.

Key words: generator, receiver, frequency multiplier, radio vision, submillimeter range, terahertz range, sensitive element

Manuscript submitted 22.10.2023

Radio phys. radio astron. 2025, 30(1): 051-064


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generator; receiver; frequency multiplier; radio vision; submillimeter range; terahertz range; sensitive element

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