Parameters of the RT-22 Radio Telescope (CrAO) at 3.42 mm

A. V. Antyufeyev, S. Y. Zubrin, V. V. Myshenko, I. I. Zinchenko, A. E. Volvach, V. M. Shulga


The basic characteristics of the CrAO RT-22 radio telescope for the frequency 87.7 GHz are shown. The effective area and main beam efficiency are found with the antenna temperature measurements of Venus. The main beam shape and half-power beamwidth are determined. The characteristics are compared with the 1979 data. The RТ-22 effective area for this period has shown practically no change.

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Антюфеев А.В. Исследование параметров антенны РТ-22 КрАО на длине волны 3.42 мм / А.В. Антюфеев, С.Ю. Зубрин, В.В. Мышенко, И.И. Зинченко, А.Е. Вольвач, В.М. Шульга // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2009. — Т. 14, № 4. — С. 345-353.

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