Wave Disturbance Radio Observations in the Ionosphere Associated with the August 1, 2008 Partial Eclipse

V. P. Burmaka, L. F. Chernogor


Quasi-periodic variations in the power of incoherently scattered signals generated by wave disturbances in the ionosphere are analyzed on a reference day and on the day of a partial eclipse that provided approximately 0.42 coverage. The spectral analysis techniques employed the window Fourier transform, the adaptive Fourier transform, and the wavelet transform. The spectral characteristics within the 100÷500 km altitude on the day of eclipse and on the reference day are shown to differ appreciably. The spectral content starts to change at the beginning of the phase of maximum coverage and lasts for at least for 2 hours.

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Бурмака В.П. Радиофизические наблюдения волновых возмущений в ионосфере в период частного солнечного затмения 1 августа 2008 г. / В.П. Бурмака, Л.Ф. Черногор // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2009. — Т. 14, № 4. — С. 390-403.

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