Mutual Shielding of Particles in the Near Field
Equations of the theory of electromagnetic wave scattering by clusters (aggregates) of spherical particles are analyzed. Two models of scattering are discussed – the one considering a near field, and the other one ignoring it. Examples of calculation of the intensity of scattered radiation by clusters of spherical particles show that in the directions of mutual shielding of particles the intensity in the model ignoring the near field is significantly larger than that in the model with the near field.
Full Text:
Тишковец В.П. Взаимная экранировка рассеивателей в ближнем поле / В.П. Тишковец // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2008. — Т. 13, № 4. — С. 236-250.

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