Resonant Wave Scattering by Plane Periodic Structures Bounded by Two Homogeneous Media
Electromagnetic wave scattering by planar doubly periodic structures bounded by two different homogeneous media has been solved numerically. The problem-solving procedure is based on application of volume integral equations of macroscopic electrodynamics. With the procedure presented, the frequency characteristics of radiation transmission through periodic arrays of subwavelength holes in a metal film have been obtained and investigated in optical and terahertz frequency ranges. The effect of a periodic layer thickness, dielectric permittivity of adjacent homogeneous media and a hole shape on radiation transmission has been analyzed. Also, polarization characteristics of light waves scattered by a structure of chiral elements have been studied.
Сидорчук Н.В. Резонансное рассеяние волн плоскими периодическими структурами, расположенными между двумя однородными средами / Н.В. Сидорчук // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2008. — Т. 13, № 4. — С. 250-263.

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