The Ultrawideband Signals and Physical Processes. 2. Analysis Methods and Application
Analysis methods for the UWB signals and processes are considered. Basic peculiarities of the generation, radiation, receiving, propagation, reflection and scattering of the UWB signals and their basic applications are discussed. Peculiarities of UWB signal propagation in plasma media, more particularly in the near-earth space are shown. Specified form of the radar equation with the UWB signal application is proposed. Possibility and prospect of the UWB signal application to radar different media and objects are estimated.
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Лазоренко О.В. Сверхширокополосные сигналы и физические процессы. 2. Методы анализа и применение / О.В. Лазоренко, Л.Ф. Черногор // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2008. — Т. 13, № 4. — С. 270-280.

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