Three-Dimensional Magnetogradient Waves in the Upper Earth’s Atmosphere
A general dispersion relation for three-dimensional electromagnetic planetary waves from which, as a particular case, follow the Khantadze results (onedimensional case) is obtained. It is shown that a partially frozen-in geomagnetic field, like in the one-dimensional case, leads to generation of “fast” and “slow” planetary waves being in a two-liquid approximation (i.e., with complete ion drag by neutrals) oscillations of magnetized electrons and partially magnetized ions in the E-region of ionosphere. In the F-region in a one-liquid approximation, only the “fast” planetary wave being oscillation of the environment as a whole is generated.
Full Text:
Гвелесиани А.И. Трехмерные магнитоградиентные волны в верхней атмосфере Земли / А.И. Гвелесиани, Г.В. Джандиери // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2008. — Т. 13, № 2. — С. 138-146.

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