The Wigner-Analysis of the Model Signals with Peculiarities
Advisability of the Wigner transform (WiT) usage for analysis of the signals with peculiarities are investigated. The results obtained by WiT application to the analysis of the model signals with peculiarities are compared with those obtained using the Fourier spectrogram (FS), continuous (CWT) and analytical (AWT) wavelet transforms for analysis of those signals. The WiT advantages and disadvantages vs. those of FS, CWT and AWT for such signal processing are shown. The WiT advantage is a good time-frequency resolution. While a non-local nature of the spectral density function and interference appearance during the multi-component signal analysis can be regarded as their disadvantages. The results of numerical calculations in a special data format are given. The Wigner-analysis of the signals with peculiarities is advised to be used simultaneously with FS, CWT and AWT application that allows getting more comprehensive information about the time-frequency content of the analyzed signals.
Full Text:
Вишнивецкий О.В. Вигнер-анализ модельных сигналов с особенностями / О.В. Вишнивецкий, О.В. Лазоренко, Л.Ф. Черногор // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2008. — Т. 13, № 2. — С. 195-210.

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