Large-Scale Accretion Disk Magnetosphere Dynamics around Supermassive Black Holes
The analytical model of accretion disk magnetosphere dynamics around supermassive black holes in active galactic nuclei is shown. The nonstationary analytical solutions of general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics equations governing dynamo action are derived for nonrotating black holes. Large-scale magnetic field spatial and time distributions are determined. It is shown that dynamo action leads to two Ї transient and steady-state Ї stages of magnetic field induction in a flat accretion disk around Schwarzschild black hole. In the steadystate regime the magnetic field is located near the inner border of accretion disk, and its flux density can reach ~1010 G. The stationary solutions of induction equation for fast spinning black hole accretion disks are derived, the maximal value of magnetic field flux density near the event horizon is found being ~1010 G. Applications of systems with such types of black holes in real galactic nuclei are discussed.
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Поплавский А.Л. Крупномасштабная динамика магнитосфер аккреционных дисков вокруг сверхмассивных черных дыр / А.Л. Поплавский // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2007. — Т. 12, № 4. — С. 375-385.

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