Wave Scattering in Near Zone of a Statistically Rough Surface. I. Field Fluctuations
The expression for a fluctuating field scattered by a statistically rough surface is obtained as a dominant term of the asymptotic expansion in large parameter defining the wave zone with respect to the source and observation points. The asimptotic is uniform with respect to the heigts of these points over the scattering surface and can be used as a starting point in determination of the energy characteristics of the fluctuating field in the near surface zone.
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Брюховецкий А.С. Рассеяние волн в ближней зоне статистически неровной поверхности. 1. Флуктуации поля / А.С. Брюховецкий // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2007. — Т. 12, № 4. — С. 399-410.

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