Analysis of Non-Linear Wave Processes Using Wigner Transform
The Wigner transform is proposed to use in the analysis of non-linear wave processes and signals. The ideal and natural shock waves, the kink and the antikink, the shock wave propagating in a dispersive medium, the classical soliton, the soliton-like solution of the modified Korteveg-de Vries equation, the soliton of envelope, the cnoidal and sowtooth waves are analyzed analytically and numerically. The Wigner analysis results are compared with those of the Fourier analysis. The Wigner transform and Fourier spectrogram are recommended to use simultaneously in the analysis of non-linear wave processes and signals. A special data format developed is recommended for the researchers.
Full Text:
Вишневецкий О.В. Анализ нелинейных волновых процессов при помощи преобразования Вигнера / О.В. Вишневецкий, О.В. Лазоренко, Л.Ф. Черногор // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2007. — Т. 12, № 3. — С. 295-311.

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