Turbulence Parameters in the Atmosphere Associated with Solar Eclipses
The similar type optical measurements of the surface atmosphere effects near Kharkiv city (Ukraine) during August 11, 1999, May 31, 2003, October 3, 2005, and March 29, 2006 solar eclipses are analyzed and compared in dynamics. The effects exhibit distinct diurnal variation during the morning, near-meridian, and post-meridian hours. The variation measured in the statistics of the level of solar limb flickering is employed to estimate dynamic processes in the surface atmosphere.
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Акимов А.Л. Параметры турбулентных процессов в атмосфере, сопровождавших затмения Солнца / А.Л. Акимов, Л.А. Акимов, Л.Ф. Черногор // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2007. — Т. 12, № 2. — С. 117-135.

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