Wavelet Analysis of the Model Signals with Peculiarities. 1. Continuous Wavelet Transform
The continuous wavelet transform (CWT) is proposed for investigating the structure of the signals with peculiarities. Wavelet analysis of simple real models of the signals with peculiarities in time domain was made analytically and numerically. The results obtained are compared with those of the short-time Fourier transform. The wavelet and Fourier analysis results are shown in a special data format recommended for using by researchers. The advantages of the wavelet application for the analysis of the signals with peculiarities are shown. By using the integrated quality functional, the optimal wavelet basis used in CWT for each signal model is selected.
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Лазоренко О.В. Вейвлет-анализ модельных сигналов с особенностями. 1. Непрерывное вейвлет-преобразование / О.В. Лазоренко, С.В. Лазоренко, Л.Ф. Черногор // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2007. — Т. 12, № 2. — С. 182-205.

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