Detection of Individual Pulses from Pulsars В0809+74; В0834+06; В0943+10; В0950+08 and В1133+16 in the Decameter Wavelengths

O. M. Ulyanov, V. V. Zakharenko, O. O. Konovalenko, A. Lecacheux, C. Rosolen, H. O. Rucker


The single pulse emission from five pulsars (PSR В0809+74; В0834+06; В0943+10; В0950+08 and В1133+16) is detected at frequencies 18ё30 MHz. This radio emission is most probably due to the strong subpulses with peak intensities of 20 and more times larger than those of the average profiles. The intensity of single pulses is strongly frequency- and time-modulated. The detection probability for the anomalously intense pulses is as low as a few percent in the decameter wavelengths. As a rule, such pulses are detected in short series (of no more than 10 pulses). Typical band widths of detected pulses with anomalous intensities lie within 0.2 to 0.5 octave.

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Ульянов О.М. Обнаружение индивидуальных импульсов пульсаров В0809+74; В0834+06; В0943+10; В0950+08; В1133+16 в декаметровом диапазоне волн / О.М. Ульянов, В.В. Захаренко, А.А. Коноваленко, A. Лекашо, К. Розолен, Х.О. Рукер // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2006. — Т. 11, № 2. — С. 113-134.

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