Cascade of Axial-Symmetric Inhomogeneous Resonators with Impedance Sidewalls
A reentrant resonator with impedance sidewalls and piecewise-homogeneous magnetodielectric filler, also the finite series periodic sequence of such resonators, are investigated. Using rigorous and approximate mathematical methods of boundary problem solution, the dispersion equation, also scattering and transformation coefficients for the TE0n-waves, are obtained. The conditions for coincident delaying properties of the homogeneously and inhomogeneously filled waveguides are determined. Ranges of parameters for the maximum probability of intratype wave transformation and generation of the high-Q locked-mode resonances are revealed. The diffraction problem of resonator series, when all the waves except TE01 in intermediate feed pipes are damping, is solved by the methods of circuit theory and matrix polynomials. The problem algorithm is independent of the base element characteristics and the structure element number. The applicability of the investigated resonator to dielectric spectroscopy of heavily lossy liquids, e. g. water solutions of bio-objects, is proved.
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Казанский В.Б. Каскадное соединение аксиально-симметричных неоднородных резонаторов с импедансными стенками / В.Б. Казанский, В.Р. Туз, В.В. Хардиков // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2006. — Т. 11, № 2. — С. 159-169.

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