Total and Differential Patterns of Corner Antenna Arrays in All Observation Space
Peculiarities of forming the total and differential patterns of the travelling wave corner antenna arrays in all observation space are investigated. The effects of increasing side lobe levels of the patterns in the directions noncoincident with the main observation planes have been revealed, the conditions of their appearance studied. It is shown that for calculating the optimal angle between subarrays which provides the maximum directivity factor the partial pattern in the array plane can be used.
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Горобец Н.Н. Суммарные и разностные диаграммы направленности уголковых антенных решеток во всем пространстве наблюдения / Н.Н. Горобец, В.М. Дахов // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2006. — Т. 11, № 2. — С. 176-186.

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