Formation and Development of Microwave Quantum Radio Physics and Quantum Electronics in Ukraine
The history of a new investigation line of formation and development of the microwave quantum radio physics and quantum electronics in Ukraine is described. The principal problems which faced the researchers and main stages of the studies and developments in these fields are considered. The substantial achievements, many of which still remain record-breaking and all-time high, are shown.
Full Text:
Еру И.И. Становление и развитие квантовой радиофизики и квантовой электроники СВЧ диапазона в Украине / И.И. Еру, В.М. Шульга // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2005. — Т. 10, № 5 - Специальный выпуск. — С. 143-160.

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