On the Peculiarities of the Analysis-of-Variance Method Application in the Decameter Wavelength Study of Solar Wind
The expressions for the cross-correlation functions and spectra of weak interplanetary scintillations are obtained with the methods of smooth perturbations and Feynman path-integrals. The phase speed dispersion dependencies for the spherically symmetric model of solar wind and for smoothly inhomogeneous medium are calculated. The influence of the solar wind speed variance is considered on the extended medium model with the two characteristic speeds.
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Ольяк М.Р. Об особенностях применения метода дисперсионного анализа при исследованиях солнечного ветра в декаметровом диапазоне радиоволн / М.Р. Ольяк // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2005. — Т. 10, № 4. — С. 385-392.

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