Numerical Implementation of Algorithms for Calculating Waveguides of Compound Cross-Sections with Smooth Boundaries and Waveguide Junctions
Described is the scheme of a decomposition approach to the calculation of the S-matrix of plane junctions formed by waveguides of arbitrary cross-sections as well as the characteristics of irises and other waveguide components consisting of such junctions. The mode basis is computed through the solution of the boundary potential theory integral equations. Special emphasis is laid on the numerical implementation particularity for each stage of the approach described.
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Дон Н.Г. Численная реализация алгоритмов расчета волноводов сложного поперечного сечения с гладкими границами и их соединений / Н.Г. Дон, А.А. Кириленко, В.И. Ткаченко // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2005. — Т. 10, № 4. — С. 398-408.

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