Watson Transformation for the Coherent Electromagnetic Field Scattered by a Statistically Rough Sphere. IV. Numerical Analysis
Analytical properties of the earlier derived expressions for the effective impedance of the coherent scattered field are investigated. A sufficiently general type of the spectrum surface roughness has been calculated numerically and compared versus known heuristic models for evaluation of the field attenuation in the shadow zone of a large statistically rough sphere.
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Брюховецкий А.С. Преобразование Ватсона для когерентного электромагнитного поля, рассеянного статистически неровной сферой. IV. Численный анализ / А.С. Брюховецкий, Л.А. Пазынин // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2005. — Т. 10, № 2. — С. 135-143.

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