Electrodynamic Calculation Method for Two-Dimensional Model of a Double-Reflector Atenna System with a Nose Dielectric Radome
The calculation method for the radiated and scattered fields of a two-dimensional double-reflector antenna model is considered for the cases of Е- and Н-polarized fields under the dielectric sharp-nose radome. The method is based on solving the integral equations as respects a radome layer field and a current density on reflectors. Directional radiation and scattering patterns for the double-reflector antenna system are shown for the fields under the dielectric radome based on an ideally conducting plate.
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Электродинамический метод расчета двумерной модели двухзеркальной антенной системы с носовым диэлектрическим обтекателем / С.В. Кукобко, А.З. Сазонов, И.О. Сухаревский // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2005. — Т. 10, № 2. — С. 157-166.

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