Solid-State Microwave Oscillator Employing a Waveguide Coaxial-Resonator
A solid-state microwave oscillator employing a waveguide-coaxial resonator is described. The key features of the K-band oscillator – based on a commercial Gunn diode – operating magnetic wave modes are investigated. The characteristics obtained are compared against those of the generator based on a waveguide-dielectric resonator.
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Макеев Ю.Г. Твердотельный СВЧ генератор на основе волноводно-коаксиального резонатора / Ю.Г. Макеев, С.П. Мартынюк, А.П. Моторненко, И.Г. Скуратовский // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2004. — Т. 9, № 2. — С. 194-199.

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