Radar Detection of Fish Shoals
The results of radar detection of fish shoals are shown. Full-scale testing was carried out in the Barents, the Norwegian and the Northern Seas with the multipurpose radar system MARS from the altitudes of 7000 m (predetection of the anticipated shoal concentration area) and of 100-200 m (shoal detection in the target area). The fish shoals are shown to be assuredly detected (with the signal contrast of 16ё18.5 dB) in the X-band waves. The observation agrees well with the results shown by expert observers.
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Гавриленко А.С. Обнаружение рыбных косяков радиолокационным способом / А.С. Гавриленко, А.С. Курекин, А.Я. Матвеев, В.Н. Цымбал // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2004. — Т. 9, № 2. — С. 214-217.

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