Ionospheric D-region Cooling in Response to Variations in Tropospheric Conductivity
A new mechanism for electromagnetic coupling between the electrically active mesosphere and the troposphere is discussed. This effect causes a rapid cooling of the ionospheric D-region electrons under large disturbances in tropospheric conductivity. Consequently, the ionospheric plasma transits to the isothermal state from the nonisothermal state conditioned by large mesospheric electric fields. A simplified electric circuit is suggested for troposphere-mesosphere coupling.
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Мартыненко С.И. Эффект “охлаждения” области D ионосферы под действием возмущений тропосферной проводимости / С.И. Мартыненко // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2004. — Т. 9, № 2. — С. 217-221.

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