E0p-Wave Diffraction by Bounded Periodic Sequence of Circumferential Slots in a Circular Waveguide

S. A. Pogarsky, V. A. Chumachenko


The diffraction problem of the electric axial-symmetric eigenwaves by the bounded periodic sequence of circumferential slots in a circular waveguide has been examined. The operator method has been used in combination with the method of moments. The mathematically simulated and experimental data for a bounded periodic sequence of slots have been compared.

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Погарский С.А. Дифракция E0p-волны на ограниченной периодической последовательности кольцевых щелей в круглом волноводе / С.А. Погарский, В.А. Чумаченко // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2004. — Т. 9, № 1. — С. 66-73.

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