Bistatic HF Scattering from the Sea Surface. II. Experiment

A. S. Kascheev, S. B. Kascheev, A. V. Koloskov, I. I. Pikulik, A. S. Bryukhovetski, Yu. M. Yampolski


Part 2 of the paper presents measurement technique and results of studying the HF radio signals from broadcasting stations reflected from ionosphere and scattered by a rough sea surface. The experiments were carried out during the 7th Ukrainian Antarctic expedition on a board of research vessel “Horizont”. The experimental spectra are compared with the simulated results calculated after the theory of Part 1 of this article. A qualitative agreement between theory and experiment has been found and possible physical reasons for specific features of the signal spectrum are discussed.

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Кащеев А.С. Двухпозиционное КВ рассеяние взволнованной морской поверхностью. II. Эксперимент / А.С. Кащеев, С.Б. Кащеев, А.В. Колосков, И.И. Пикулик, А.С. Брюховецкий, Ю.М. Ямпольский // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2003. — Т. 8, № 3. — С. 242-253.

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