On Conditions for “False” Reflections in Course of Numerical Modeling of Video Pulse Scattering by Layered Dielectric Structures
The conditions for “false” reflections in course of modeling nonstationary electromagnetic wave scattering by multilayered dielectric structures have been considered, and an approach to correction of the frequency dependences of the electrical characteristics of dielectric media on a bounded frequency interval has also been suggested.
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Пузанов А.О. Об условиях возникновения “ложных” отражений при численном моделировании рассеяния видеоимпульсов на слоистых диэлектрических структурах / А.О. Пузанов // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2003. — Т. 8, № 3. — С. 303-313.

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