On a Non-Linear Interaction of MHD Waves with Small-Scale Ionospheric Irregularities
Discussed in the paper is a three – wave nonlinear process involving a transverse Alfven wave and two slow magnetoacoustic modes. As has been shown, the temporal and spatial variations in electron density associated with the magnetic sound generated can be responsible for all features of HF diagnostic experiments in the non – isothermal plasma.
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Герасимова Н.Н. О нелинейном взаимодействии МГД волн с мелкомасштабными ионосферными неоднородностями / Н.Н. Герасимова, В.Г. Синицын, Ю.М. Ямпольский // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2003. — Т. 8, № 2. — С. 117-127.

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