Statistics of Signals of HF Doppler Radar Probing the Bottomside Ionosphere Disturbed by Rocket Launches and Solar Terminator
The statistical analysis of the variations in the Doppler spectra resulting from forty-three rocket launches has revealed four groups of apparent velocities of disturbance transfer: 0.5-0.8, 1-6, 7-9, and 15-20 km/s. They are related to acoustic-gravity, slow magnetohydrodynamic, magnetogradient, and possibly gyrotropic waves.
The analysis of thirty-one events of the moving solar terminator has made it possible to obtain the statistics of Doppler spectra variations (variations in the mean Doppler shift of frequency, duration of ionospheric response, predominant time period, and the amplitude of the central frequency of quasi-periodic disturbance).
The analysis of thirty-one events of the moving solar terminator has made it possible to obtain the statistics of Doppler spectra variations (variations in the mean Doppler shift of frequency, duration of ionospheric response, predominant time period, and the amplitude of the central frequency of quasi-periodic disturbance).
Full Text:
Бурмака В.П. Статистические характеристики сигналов доплеровского ВЧ радара при зондировании средней ионосферы, возмущенной стартами ракет и солнечным терминатором / В.П. Бурмака, Л.С. Костров, Л.Ф. Черногор // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2003. — Т. 8, № 2. — С. 143-163.

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