Algorithm for Detection and Identification of Slow Targets
In the work the approach to the decision of a problem of detection and identification of slow targets in conditions of intensive noisy jammers is considered. The calculation algorithm of estimation of spatial position of the purpose and Doppler displacement of frequency of the signal reflected from targets is offered. The algorithm is optimal in sense of a maximum of likelihood. The principle of joint processing signals from spatially separated sensor controls is put in a basis of algorithm with the purpose of reception of optimum estimations of signal parameters. The analysis is carried out both in spectral and time areas, which at various character of jammers and their levels allows to obtain the maximum quantity of information on the object under research. The results of modelling of the algorithm are given, the features of its working in real jammer conditions are discussed.
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Сытник О.В. Алгоритм обнаружения и идентификации малоподвижных целей / О.В. Сытник // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2003. — Т. 8, № 2. — С. 199-207.

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