Microstrip Antenna Arrays Composed of Rectangular Radiators

D. G. Seleznev, I. I. Reznik, A. D. Seleznev


The technique for investigation of multielement microstrip antenna array is developed. It uses the approximation of given surface current distribution on radiators. The approach is based on the spectral method. It allows to take into consideration the mutual coupling of radiators in array and match radiators with feeding line. The calculations of array characteristics in several frequency bands is performed for 16, 64 and 256 element antennas.

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Селезнев Д.Г. Микрополосковые антенные решетки из прямоугольных излучателей / Д.Г. Селезнев, И.И. Резник, А.Д. Cелезнев // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2003. — Т. 8, № 1. — С. 52-59.

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