Properties of the complex type II burst with rich herringbone structure within 3–33 MHz
structure of the sub-bursts herringbone was found to be
similar to the so-called “fringes” in the solar S-bursts. From the characteristic wave-like oscillations of the type II back-bone the parameters of coronal streamers intersected by the shock wave were derived. Using the observational data from the STEREO and SOHO spacecraft, the speed and direction of the associated CME propagation were detected. From the ground-based radio observations the radial speed of type II burst source was found. As a result, possible location of the type II burst source was determined. In addition, the geoeffectiveness of the discussed solar event was estimated.
Full Text:
Доровский В. В. Свойства сложного всплеска II типа с богатой "елочной" структурой на частотах 3-33 МГц /В. В. Доровский, В. Н. Мельник, А. А. Коноваленко, А. И. Браженко, М. Панченко, Х. О. Рукер, С. Пудс, А. А. Станиславский, В. А Михайлов // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2013. — Т. 18, № 2. — С. 107-117.

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